Read Magazines with Flipster - a new service at BPL!

Borrowing magazines is simple and quick with Flipster! 

Last week we talked about the newest service at Bossier Library - FLIPSTER! This week we'll be walking through step-by-step how to borrow a magazine on your laptop or device. 

On your Laptop:

1. Go to the Bossier Library website at
    Click on the Flipster icon under Digital Media/eContent. 

2. This will automatically sign you in to the Bossier Library account on Flipster. 
     The most popular magazines and latest issues will be on the front page. 
     You can choose to read one of these magazines or browse through the categories on the left. 

3. Once you've picked a magazine, click on the cover to borrow it. 
    This will open the magazine. Then you can use the menu on the side to flip pages, zoom in 
    or see other issues of the magazine. 

4, The magazine will look just like the print version. 

If you find the print is too small or hard to read, you can zoom in. Below is a zoomed in look at the first paragraph on the magazine page above. 

When you're finished, simply close the window! This will bring you back to the magazine library so you can find another magazine to read. 

Flipster is also available as an app on iPad, iPad Mini and Android tablets! 

Simply download the app and follow the instructions on the screen! No signing up necessary! 

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