The NetLingo Top 20 Internet Acronyms Every Parent Needs to Know

  1. POS - Parent Over Shoulder
  2. PIR - Parent In Room
  3. P911 - Parent Alert
  4. PAW - Parents Are Watching
  5. PAL - Parents Are Listening
  6. ASL - Age, Sex, Location
  7. MorF - Male or Female
  8. SorG - Straight or Gay
  9. LMIRL - Let's Meet In Real Life
  10. KPC - Keeping Parents Clueless
  11. TDTM - Talk Dirty To Me
  12. IWSN - I Want Sex Now
  13. NIFOC - Nude In Front of Computer
  14. GYPO - Get Your Pants Off
  15. ADR - Address
  16. WYCM - Will You Call Me
  17. KFY - Kiss For You
  18. MOOS - Member Of the Opposite Sex
  19. MOSS or MOTSS - Member Of the Same Sex
  20. NALOPKT - Not A Lot Of People Know That

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1 Response to The NetLingo Top 20 Internet Acronyms Every Parent Needs to Know

January 8, 2010 at 1:50 PM

Awesome, thank you for posting the NetLingo list of Internet Acronyms Every Parent Needs to Know! It is actually the Top 50 (not 20) and I've included 50 more so there are really 100 :-) I have a huge request: Can you please add NetLingo to your list of Dictionaries in the right column? We keep our resource completely updated, unlike some of the other ones you have listed there. Thanks again! Erin, founder of